Vigors’s Warbler
Regular price $200.00Vigors' Warbler
Princeton Audubon Double Elephant Edition •Double elephant (life size - 26 1/4 x 39 1/4) •Limited edition of 1500. •Pencil-numbered and embossed with the Princeton Audubon Limited seal. •Up to 11 color plates used. •Specially developed fade-proof inks. Absolute color fidelity to the actual original. •Printed on a 300 line. •Very heavy archival paper which is recommended by the Library of Congress for archives and is specially toned to match the actual color of the antique originals. •Registered to purchaser. •As permanently displayed at The Royal Society of London, to which Audubon belonged as a Fellow.
About the image itself ...
With a name difficult to enunciate and impossible to locate in a bird guide, Vigors's warbler is in truth an immature pine warbler. Considering that the bird has also been known as a pine-creeping warbler or a pine creeper because of its preference for evergreen habitat, this portrait seems executed on an unlikely perch-a spiderwort plant. But that is exactly where Audubon saw it one day in May 1812 during a visit to Mill Grove, the farm he once owned on Perkiomen Creek, near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Later, thinking it to be an undiscovered species, he named it "Vigors's Warbler" in honor or the English naturalist Nicholas A. Vigors, whom he met in London in 1828.
The bird is done in pastel, the spiderwort in water color.
Regular price $200.00Vigors' Warbler
Princeton Audubon Double Elephant Edition •Double elephant (life size - 26 1/4 x 39 1/4) •Limited edition of 1500. •Pencil-numbered and embossed with the Princeton Audubon Limited seal. •Up to 11 color plates used. •Specially developed fade-proof inks. Absolute color fidelity to the actual original. •Printed on a 300 line. •Very heavy archival paper which is recommended by the Library of Congress for archives and is specially toned to match the actual color of the antique originals. •Registered to purchaser. •As permanently displayed at The Royal Society of London, to which Audubon belonged as a Fellow.
About the image itself ...
With a name difficult to enunciate and impossible to locate in a bird guide, Vigors's warbler is in truth an immature pine warbler. Considering that the bird has also been known as a pine-creeping warbler or a pine creeper because of its preference for evergreen habitat, this portrait seems executed on an unlikely perch-a spiderwort plant. But that is exactly where Audubon saw it one day in May 1812 during a visit to Mill Grove, the farm he once owned on Perkiomen Creek, near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Later, thinking it to be an undiscovered species, he named it "Vigors's Warbler" in honor or the English naturalist Nicholas A. Vigors, whom he met in London in 1828.
The bird is done in pastel, the spiderwort in water color.