Original Audubon Octavo Wildcat. 10% off. $720
Original Audubon Octavo Common American Wildcat.
The print itself measures 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches. The framed measurement is 12 x 14 3/4 inches. Condition is very good to excellent. Conservation framing.
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For your reference, what follows is a listing of all 150 of Audubon's Imperial Quadrupeds. These measure 22 x 28 inches untrimmed. |
Plate |
Name of Mammal |
1 |
Common American Wild Cat |
2 |
Woodchuck |
3 |
Townsend's Rocky Mountain Hare |
4 |
Florida Rat |
5 |
Richardson's Columbian Squirrel |
6 |
American Red-Fox |
7 |
Carolina Grey Squirrel |
8 |
Chipping Squirrel |
9 |
Parry's Marmot Squirrel |
10 |
Common American Shrew Mole |
11 |
Northern Hare, Summer |
12 |
Northern Hare |
13 |
Musk-Rat, Musquash |
14 |
Fremont's Squirrel |
15 |
Rocky Mountain Flying Squirrel |
16 |
Canada Lynx |
17 |
Cat Squirrel |
18 |
Marsh Hare |
19 |
Douglass Squirrel |
20 |
Townsend's Ground Squirrel |
21 |
Grey Fox |
22 |
Grey Rabbit |
23 |
Black Rat |
24 |
Four-Striped Ground Squirrel |
25 |
Downy Squirrel |
26 |
The Wolverine |
27 |
Long Haired Squirrel |
28 |
Common Flying Squirrel |
29 |
Rocky Mountain Neotoma |
30 |
Cotton Rat |
31 |
Collared Peccary |
32 |
Polar Hare |
33 |
Mink |
34 |
Black Squirrel |
35 |
Migratory Squirrel |
36 |
Canada Porcupine |
37 |
Swamp Hare |
38 |
Red-Bellied Squirrel |
39 |
Leopard Spermophile |
40 |
White Footed Mouse |
41 |
Pennants Marten or Fisher |
42 |
Common American Skunk |
43 |
Hare Squirrel |
44 |
Canada Pouched Rat |
45 |
Wilson's Meadow Mouse |
46 |
American Beaver |
47 |
American Badger |
48 |
Douglass Squirrel |
49 |
Douglasse's Spermophile |
50 |
Richardson's Spermophile |
51 |
Canada Otter |
52 |
Swift Fox |
53 |
Texan Skunk |
54 |
Brown, or Norway Rat |
55 |
Red-Tailed Squirrel |
56 |
American Bison or Buffalo |
57 |
American Bison or Buffalo |
58 |
Orange-Bellied Squirrel |
59 |
White Weasel Stoat |
60 |
Bridled Weasel |
61 |
Raccoon |
62 |
American Elk-Wapiti Deer |
63 |
Black-Tailed Hare |
64 |
Small Weasel |
65 |
Little Harvest Mouse |
66 |
Virginian Opossum |
67 |
Black American Wolf |
68 |
Fox Squirrel |
69 |
Common Star-Nose Mole |
70 |
Says Least Shrew |
71 |
Prairie Wolf |
72 |
White American Wolf |
73 |
Rocky Mountain Sheep |
74 |
Shrew Mole |
75 |
Carolina Shrew |
76 |
Moose Dear |
77 |
Prong-Horned Antelope |
78 |
Black-Tailed Deer |
79 |
Annulated Marmot Squirrel |
80 |
Lecontes Pine Mouse |
81 |
Common or Virginian Deer |
82 |
Red Texan Wolf |
83 |
Little Chief Hare |
84 |
Franklin's Marmot Squirrel |
85 |
Jumping Mouse |
86 |
Ocelot, or Leopard-Cat |
87 |
American Red-Fox |
88 |
Worm Wood Hare |
89 |
Say's Squirrel |
90 |
Common Mouse |
91 |
Polar Bear |
92 |
Common American Wild Cat |
93 |
Black Footed Ferret |
94 |
Nuttall's Hare |
95 |
Orange Colored Mouse |
96 |
The Cougar |
97 |
The Cougar |
98 |
Ring-Tailed Bassaris |
99 |
Prairie Dog-Prairie Marmot Squirrel |
100 |
Missouri Mouse |
101 |
The Jaguar |
102 |
Large tailed Skunk |
103 |
Hoary Marmot-The Whistler |
104 |
Collie's Squirrel |
105 |
Columbia Pouched Rat |
106 |
Columbian Black-Tailed Deer |
107 |
Lewis' Marmot |
108 |
Bachman's Hare |
109 |
Californian Marmot Squirrel |
110 |
Mole Shaped Pouched Rat |
111 |
Musk Ox |
112 |
Californian Hare |
113 |
Esquimaux Dog |
114 |
Say's Marmot Squirrel |
115 |
Yellowed Cheeked Meadow Mouse |
116 |
American Black or Silver Fox |
117 |
Dusky Squirrel |
118 |
Long-Tailed Deer |
119 |
Hudson's Bay Lemming |
120 |
Tawny Lemming |
121 |
Arctic Fox |
122 |
Canada Otter |
123 |
The Sewellel |
124 |
Mexican Marmot/Squirrel |
125 |
American Marsh Shrew |
126 |
Caribou or American Reindeer |
127 |
American Black Bear |
128 |
Rocky Mountain Goat |
129 |
Northern Meadow Mouse |
130 |
Pouched Jerboa Mouse |
131 |
Grizzly Bear |
132 |
Hare Indian Dog |
133 |
Texan Hare |
134 |
Yellow Bellied Marmot |
135 |
Richardson's Meadow Mouse |
136 |
Common or Virginian Deer |
137 |
Sea Otter |
138 |
Pine Marten |
139 |
Large-Tailed Spermophile |
140 |
Bridled Weasel |
141 |
American Black Bear |
142 |
The Camas Rat |
143 |
Rocky Mountain Flying Squirrel |
144 |
Bank Rat |
145 |
Townsend's Shrew Mole |
146 |
Nine-Banded Armadillo |
147 |
American Souslik |
148 |
Little American Brown Weasel |
149 |
Fremont's Squirrel |
150 |
Long-Nosed Shrew |