John James Audubon Info

Print Identification and Authentication

Reproduced by permission of the author - Ron Flynn Is Your Audubon Print an Original?Illustrated Print Identification and Authenticationby Ron Flynn There were five different original Audubon publications between 1826-1871. Most of these publications had only one edition, but one had four editions, and another up to eight editions. Each original Audubon publication was printed on a specific sized sheet of paper with the image either horizontally or vertically oriented. Virtually all original Audubon bird and animal images were trimmed slightly and bound into a book volume, as a bookplate. Original Audubons were sold by subscription, and the subscriber generally...

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Audubon Octavo Print “States” Versus “Editions”, Plus Valuations, Collecting, and the Marketplace.

Reproduced by permission of the author - Ron Flynn Audubon Octavo Print “States” Versus “Editions”, Plus Valuations, Collecting, and the Ron Flynn There seems to be some confusion about the differences between “States” and “Editions” of antique Audubon prints. In putting together this article, I have edited and compiled certain posts from the Yahoo Audubonprints email discussion Group covering these topics. I have supplemented this information, and expanded this article to include information that pertains to valuations, collecting, and the marketplace, as they affect print "state" and "editions". EDITIONS –The American Historical Print Collectors Society (AHPCS) definition of “edition”...

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A Brief Introduction to Audubon and the Original Editions

Reproduced by permission of the author - Ron Flynn A Brief Introduction to Audubon and the Original Editionsby Ron Flynn John James Audubon (1785-1851) was born in San Domingo, Haiti, the son of a French naval captain and a French servant girl. Audubon's real mother died shortly after his birth. Capt. Audubon and his legal wife sent young Audubon to France where he was raised.In order to avoid conscription by Napoleon when Audubon was a young man, J.J. Audubon was dispatched to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to oversee land owned by his father. There he met and married Lucy Bakewell, who’s lifelong...

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Do You Really Own A 1st Edition Octavo Quad Print?

Reproduced by permission of the author - Ron Flynn Do You Really Own A 1st Edition Octavo Quad Print?by Ron Flynn Are you certain that your 1st edition Audubon octavo quadruped print is really 1st edition? For years dealers have been selling 1st edition octavo quad prints at a hefty premium over later edition prints. When it comes to collecting, most buyers prefer 1st edition items, and are willing to pay a premium for them. But, are ALL the Audubon octavo quad prints sold as 1st edition, really 1st edition?What happens when the time comes to sell your 1st edition...

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